Comprehensive Academic Assessment
Includes: Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Academic Achievement IV, curriculum-based testing, school data review, parent interview, and complete report of results
Single-Subject Standardized Testing
Includes: WJ-IV testing in one or more of these areas:
- Reading: Word Identification, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension
- Writing: Mechanics, Sentence Writing, Fluency, and Writing Samples
- Math: Fact Fluency, Computations, Concepts, and Problem Solving
- General information: Science, Social Studies, Humanities†
Interest Inventories
Includes: Strengths, Preferences, and Learning Styles
Includes: Test administration, and diagnosis of underlying strengths and weaknesses
Graduate School Entrance Test Preparation (GRE, Miller’s Analogies, GMAT)
Includes: Testing and assessment of underlying strengths and challenges
Community College, Vocational School, and Military Entrance-Test Preparation
Includes: Testing and discussion of fundamental strengths and needs
* Off-Site Data Gathering
Includes: Meetings, observations, transportation, and instruction
Testing Length and Follow-Ups
Comprehensive testing requires about three-to-four hours. (Two consecutive meetings are recommended.) Further, we suggest an uncharged 30-minute parent conference, after all information is gathered, to take place following the testing sessions. Single-subject, interest, and PSAT/ACT/SAT/GRE/GMAT/Miller’s/ASVAB testing sessions, usually conducted in one-and-a-half-hour segments, are generally followed by 15-minute conferences.
† Often, these important assessments are not even offered by other learning centers!
Educational Services
*Assessments are billed at the very affordable rates of $61 per hour on-site and $64 per hour off-site!